kalappadama edhayavadhu seydhu...... நல்லா குழப்புவோமில்லே..!!

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

Vishnu sahasranamam ..slokam (19)mahabuddhir.....

Vishnu sahasranamam ..slokam (19)
Mahabuddhir mahaveeryo
Mahasakthir mahadyuti:
Anirdeshyavapu: sreeman
Ameyatma mahadridhruk!

1) Mahabudhi:- Sree mahavishnu is the reservoir of intelligence. The omniscient
2) Mahaveerya:- He’s of great virility
3) Mahasakthi:- He’s immensely powerful.
4) Mahadyuti:- { Dyuti means glow} Splendorous light. Upanishad declares him as Light of light
5) Anirdeshyavapu:- He who possesses an indescribable body. { vapu=form., Anirdeshyam = indescribable}
6) Srimaan:- {Sree= glory} One who constantly courted by glory is Vishnu.
7) Ameyatma:- { Ameya= immeasurable..incomprehensible.}. He is incomprehensible.
8) Mahadridhruk:- The bearer of great mountain.
Tthere are 8 Thirunamam in dis stanza…

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